Experience is a hard teacher...
...because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.
Comments about Politics, Music, Philosophy, Triathlon and Booze from Between Adam's Ears.
...because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.
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Uh oh...what happened...
Clever observation or descriptive quote...?
Not really, I lifted it off somebody's tag line on a forum. It's been almost a year- Christmas day- since I found out my soon to be ex-wife was leaving me because she had been having an affair with a close friend of mine for sometime before. They still don't get why I am angry.
I suppose that was a test we all failed. What to take away from the bloody mess I am not sure.
Well…that certainly is a bloody mess. I am so very sorry that happened to you.
I suppose this is a time when I could spout out some don’t-focus-on-closed-doors-but-look-at-the-open-ones advice…but that never does any good in the times that you really just want to smash someone’s head into the pavement.
This must be a very difficult time for you, although I imagine you’ve learned something about your own resilience, as life is still beautiful to you…at times. ;).
You’re strong.
Sigh…I wish character wasn’t so costly.
Merry Christmas Adam. All the best to you and your son.
You deserve a wonderful new year. :)
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